Built-in template: basic
Typically, built-in inline templates are used to present offers (or any other information) to a user in a relatively unobtrusive way. They don't cover the content but simply catch the eye running through the text. At the same time, they don't require a click to be dismissed. Usually, such templates don't even have a dismiss button, looking organic, like a native element of the page content.
DemoTo return from the demo page, please use the browser Back button. We were trying to make the demo as close to real life as possible, and did not provide any link to go back intentionally.
Setting up a template
There are 2 ways to set up an inline template: on your end or in Composer.
Once your container for an inline template is ready, just put it between paragraphs or where you want your users to see the template.
Setting template size
Piano inline templates take 100% of the parent container width. By parent container we mean that <div>
you specify on your end for the Piano template to show up. Regarding its height, the browser counts it automatically according to the template content. So nothing needs to be defined. Instead, just let the Piano template be parsed freely — things like setting up a fixed height would prevent it from displaying correctly.